Online Training
Welcome to our Online Test, Structured Oral Interview, and Assessment Center Training portal. We want to offer you the most focused, complete training experience that we can.
You may choose from our menu of training modules, selecting only those that you need and that will correctly apply to the promotional process that your department will administer. You can access your training materials at any time of day or night to fit your schedule – 24 hours a day, 7 days a week and you can access our training materials from anywhere – as long as you have access to the internet.
Our modules are designed for either Law Enforcement, the Fire/Rescue Services or Corrections — Detention: you will choose. We have some modules that are designed for specific consultants: you will choose. We also have modules that can be universally applied to your process in the event that we don’t have a specific module for the consultant being used for your department or if your city, county, state, or department is conducting the process themselves.
Our training modules consist of PowerPoint slides with Mr. Rockhill’s voice-over, talking you through what you need to know, do, and say, and perhaps write to prepare for and to excel in your test, structured oral interview, or assessment center.
Once you have purchased your module(s), you will have fourteen days to view each one as many times as you like. The modules can be paused at any time, and you will have the ability to go directly to any portion of the module without having to repeat portions of the module that you don’t want to view/review a second time.

If you will be purchasing more than one module, you may purchase them simultaneously as your fourteen-day time allotment is not activated until the first time you view each individual module. For example, if you purchase two modules and begin studying the first module, this will only start your fourteen-day time allotment for the first module. Your time allotment for the second module will not begin until you first access it. This will give you time to thoroughly view and learn (and practice) a module during your allotted fourteen-day window before beginning a different module with its own fourteen-day window.
We also offer PACKAGES containing multiple test / exercise / interview modules specific to a Department, rank, and consultant. These packages are available at a greatly reduced price as compared to purchasing the modules a la carte. In addition, each package has a generous time allocation for access to the modules and practice material. To determine if we have a package specific to your process, click on your profession, then click on the rank for which you are competing, then SCROLL DOWN to see if your process is listed.
Each of our training modules comes with PDF attachments which you will print out. One printable PDF document for each training module will be a “Training Module Slides Notes Pages.” Each of the Power Point slides in the training module appear on this document, along with blank lines for any note taking you may wish to do as you proceed through the module. In addition, multiple practice exercises, interview questions, and/or scenarios will be attached to each structured interview and assessment center exercise module so that you can hone your skills once your module has been completed. For structured interview and each type of interactive assessment center exercise, we will provide a behavioral checklist which you will use to monitor your progress and maximize your improvement with each practice session. These attachments will only be available for download during your fourteen day time allotment. At the end of the fourteen day time period, you will no longer be able to download any of the attached PDF documents. However, once downloaded, you may print the documents for your personal use and practice for as long as you retain them on your device.
- Step 1: Gather as much information as possible about the nature of your promotional process
- Step 2: Select either “Law Enforcement,” “Fire/Rescue Services,” or “Corrections-Detention”
- Step 3: Select the “Target Rank” for which you will be testing
- Step 4: Select the “Consultant/Test Vendor” from the provided list OR select “Universal” if your consultant/test vendor is not listed or if your organization/agency is conducting its own process
- Step 5: Review the descriptions of each training module on the “Consultant/Test Vendor” or “Universal” menus, then select the appropriate module(s)
Your purchase of the Structured Oral Interview or any Assessment Center Exercise module will automatically include access to our Introduction to Assessment Centers (Methodology) module. This introductory module should be viewed (and re-viewed as necessary) prior to viewing other modules