Rockhill & Halton has been preparing emergency services personnel for promotion for over 30 years. Thousands of law enforcement, fire service and correction/detention candidates across the country have been promoted using our strategies, performance suggestions, and practice materials to prepare them for their promotional process.
Read what your fellow officers and firefighters have to say after studying with our training modules and practice materials!
— “Amazing product. I would have never finished #1 without it.”
— “Your material was spot on and provided me with a great resource to study and practice for the assessment center.”
— “I can’t thank you enough for your services. I placed #1 out of 40 officers for my Sergeant exam. I will definitely check back in for your services when I’m eligible for the lieutenants exam in two years!”
— “The final written test of yours I took, I scored a 97. The score I received on the actual test for my department was a 97. 10/10 your test prep material was worth every penny!”
— “I recently purchased your online assessment center course for the Lieutenant exam for Dallas P.D. Your course was spot on, and I studied using your information. I was ranked #28 overall after the written exam, but ranked #6 after the assessment center once the cumulative scores were in. Thank you very much for course information.”
— “If I decide to take an exam for the next rank I will definitely be looking you up again! I got my promotion on the first round. Your study packages were what I needed to get in the right mind set and preparation for the exam. Thank you.”
— “I scored number 1 out of 35 Candidates. I would say it was worth every penny! I was so prepared!”
— “Only reason I probably won't purchase again is because I got the promotion! Thanks - your materials explained exactly what to expect during the testing process.”
— “Due to the material, I came in #1 on the tactical exercise and #2 overall. I was promoted on 8/14!”
— “Utilizing the methods from your program, I finished #4 overall on the eligible list for my promotional exam.”
— “Your product was extremely useful and helpful. It was a tremendous benefit in my preparation for the assessment center.”
— “I scored in the top 10% of the sgt assessment. I owe a part of my success to this training. Thank you.”
— “I thought the material was very well presented and contributed significantly to my preparedness and performance in our department’s assessment center.”
— “I scored number 2 on Battalion Chief assessment center. Thanks for the help!”
— “Great product. Really helped me study for my promotion.”
— “Came in 3rd out of 30! Great material, in basket exam was particularly good.”
— “I would love to be a part of this training process. I scored #2 again in my promotional process with the help of your course. I believe in your approach and its impact is invaluable.”
— “Did very well on my test, thank you!”
— “While I recommend anyone studying for promotion take their time and really absorb the material over many days, I spent 2 days pouring over the materials and with the tools I learned in that short time I scored 3rd out of 40 test takers in my first attempt to promote to the rank of Fire Captain. I credit Rockhill & Halton with my success.”
— “The content was incredibly helpful; not just for my assessment center; but for practical application as well. Thanks for taking the time to put together such an excellent package.”
— “It was great material and definitely assisted me in finishing number 2 out of 12 candidates. Thanks!”
— “The exercise scenarios were very helpful. I achieved the 4th highest score on my interview.”