This product is specifically tailored for Milwaukee P. D. Detective candidates.
Milwaukee Police
Department Detective promotional candidates will have the opportunity to
take advantage of our knowledge and experience by taking our Online
Instruction and preparing with our Talogy/PSI Written Examination Training “how to,” materials and practice test questions.
This is the most thorough, comprehensive instruction for an Talogy/PSI Written Examination process available anywhere
from any training firm or online company! This package
contains the
training modules and practice examinations listed in
informational email.
PLEASE NOTE: After purchase, you will receive a message that indicates that you can
only view your product for 14 days. The message you receive is a
standard response and does not apply to your purchase of this package. You will have 8 weeks to view your module. If you have any difficulty, please contact us right away.
The Written Examination component will contain:
- Written Examination Preparation and Study Strategies
- Test-Taking Strategies and Techniques
- Challenge/Appeal Strategies
- Practice examinations
Rockhill & Halton, Inc. has no
connection (official or otherwise) with the any of the consultants
listed on our website, and our material is wholly created by Rockhill
& Halton, Inc. to better prepare you for your Examination/Assessment