Online Training

Written Examination Textbook Multiple Choice Practice Test Questions for the Fire Service

Each of these practice examinations are in PDF format and each includes an answer key.  While each practice test by no means exhausts all of the potential questions that could be written from the source, it will give you an idea of how much of the information you have retained and can recall.

Please note:  After purchase, you have 3 days to download the practice examination.  Your 3-day time period begins the first time that you access/view each practice examination.   Once you have downloaded the examination, you may continue to print the document for your personal use and practice for as long as you retain the document on your device.

Rockhill & Halton, Inc. has no official connection with the consultants listed above, and our material is wholly created by Rockhill & Halton, Inc. to better prepare you for your Examination/Assessment Center/Interview.