Online Training
This is the most thorough, comprehensive instruction for an IOS-specific Assessment Center process available anywhere from any training firm or online company!
I/O Solutions (IOS) is one of a very
few Test/Assessment Center companies that does not tell candidates what
they can expect in the way of the specific types of exercises in which
they will participate. They will conduct either a “live” orientation
session or two with candidates; or, they may have candidates
watch/listen to a PowerPoint presentation. In either case, they may
provide each candidate with a printout of the slides of the
presentation. Their orientation will discuss perhaps ten exercise
descriptions that they could use, and they will typically not narrow
down which three (usually) to five exercises they will actually use in
the Assessment Center. Normally, we would recommend that you hold off
purchasing our training module(s) until you have had the orientation,
but that may be of little value. Here are exercises that they favor:
Oral In-Basket (more typical for mid-management and above), Structured
Interview, Tactical Exercise, Shift/Staff Briefing (usually for law
enforcement processes), Community Meeting Exercise (covered in our "Role
Play" module, and specific for law enforcement — a presentation with a
question-answer session to follow), a Presentation Exercise, an Employee
Meeting Exercise (may be a presentation rather than a role play, or
could be a "highly structured" role play); and, to a lesser extent,
Background Qualifications Presentation Exercise (long oral resume,
perhaps with follow-up questions from assessors), Role Play Exercise
(they have nearly stopped giving this fully-interactive component), and
the Written Response In-Basket (not very common). There could be a
"hybrid" Assessment Center in which you will prepare for and participate
in as many as five or more components; however, if this is the case,
the components will each be less complex and require shorter response
times than there would be if there were only three. As to your actual
Assessment Center, I/O Solutions has traditionally favored a
process in which candidates appear before a panel of assessors; but, as
of late, they have begun to use a laptop/tablet-driven assessment
process and video/audio recording your performance for later
evaluation. If assessors are present, they will be professional but not
particularly cordial.
Rockhill & Halton, Inc. has no connection (official or otherwise) with I/O Solutions (IOS),
and our material is wholly created by Rockhill & Halton, Inc. to
better prepare you for your Examination/Assessment Center/Interview.