Online Training

Police Captain/Commander

Police Department Captain and Commander promotional candidates will have the opportunity to take advantage of our knowledge and experience by taking our Online Instruction and preparing with our Written Examination and Assessment Center Training “how to,” materials, practice written examinations, practice assessment center exercises, and/or structured interview / scenario questions.

This is the most thorough, comprehensive instruction for a Written Examination and Assessment Center process available anywhere from any training firm or online company!

LEARN WHAT ASSESSORS LOOK FOR in superior candidates —WE’LL TEACH YOU to demonstrate those behaviors and get promoted!

Each Assessment Center Training Module contains multiple practice exercises, assessment questions, interview questions, and/or scenarios as printable attachments so that you can practice and hone your skills once your viewing (and re-viewing) of each instructional “how to” Training Module has been completed.

Each of our Assessment Center/Interview Training Modules include:

  • A PowerPoint slide presentation, along with Mr. Rockhill’s voice-over talking you through what you need to know, do, and say to prepare for and to excel in your test, structured oral interview, or assessment center.  This includes a detailed description of the exercises and techniques used by the consultant conducting your Assessment Center/Interview.
  • Step-by-step "How To" instructions for each type of Assessment Center Exercise/Interview.  No other preparation firm can match our detail.
  • Printable practice Assessment Center Exercises and/or Interview Questions.
  • Each exercise/interview question set is selected according to the consultant conducting your Assessment Center.
  • Each exercise includes either an exercise model, performance checklist, and/or a suggested responses guide.

Our Written Examination component includes:

  • Written Examination Preparation and Study Strategies
  • Test-Taking Strategies and Techniques
  • Challenge/Appeal Strategies

We also have practice examinations with written test items from many commonly used textbooks.

Written Examination Textbook Multiple Choice Practice Test Questions

Select the “Consultant/Test Vendor” from the provided list.  If the consultant/test vendor is not listed or if your department or agency is conducting its own process, select from our universal instruction modules and materials to prepare you for the unique nature of your promotional examination, assessment center, or oral interview.

Please note:  If you have received an email regarding a training package that was specifically tailored for your promotional process, the agency-specific packages are listed at the bottom of this page.

Rockhill & Halton, Inc. has no official connection with the consultants listed above, and our material is wholly created by Rockhill & Halton, Inc. to better prepare you for your Examination/Assessment Center/Interview.