Online Training
FIRSTIDEA TRAINING MODULES (Fire Services Company Officer)
FirstIdea, as do
most Test/Assessment Center companies, will conduct a “live” orientation
session or two with candidates and/or provide candidates with an
orientation document well in advance of the Assessment Center. In the
document, FirstIdea will describe in a short
paragraph the types of exercises they intend to use in the process; and
there are usually three exercises which make up the Assessment Center,
although that could vary with your particular process. We recommend
that you hold off purchasing our training module(s) until you have had
the orientation or at least reviewed the orientation guide. FirstIdea
frequently uses the Oral In-Basket, Oral Resume Exercise, Role Play
Exercise, and the Tactical Exercise, although your Assessment Center
battery of exercises could differ. Knowing what the exercises will be
will streamline your learning/practice as well as make it more
affordable. As to your actual Assessment Center, the FirstIdea
company strongly favors a process in which candidates appear before a
panel of assessors as opposed to video/audio recording your performance
for later evaluation; therefore, you can expect a bit of cordial
interaction with the assessors before and/or after your exercise
Rockhill & Halton, Inc. has no official connection with FirstIdea,
and our material is wholly created by Rockhill & Halton, Inc. to
better prepare you for your Examination/Assessment Center/Interview.